The Mission of the Telecommunications Unit is to facilitate a competitive, fully liberalized telecommunications sector while achieving Government's vision of making Barbados a centre of excellence for information technology and telecommunications in the Caribbean.


    Welcome to the website of Telecommunications Unit in the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Smart Technologies (MIST). One of the objectives of the Telecommunications Unit is to inform and educate the public. The Telecoms Unit has therefore endeavoured to upload all relevant information on its website and also provide links to related legislation for your ease of reference.

    You are encouraged to use the search facilities embedded.You are further encouraged to inform the Chief Telecommunications Officer of requests for clarification, missing topics or other discrepancies so that the website could be updated accordingly.

    Updated: 16 November 2018     Administrator

  • Barbados and the ITU sign CIRT Agreement
    Barbados and the ITU sign CIRT Agreement

    Barbados establishes National Computer Incident Response Team(CIRT)

    ITU and the Government of Barbados have signed an agreement to establish a National Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT), a key mechanism to strengthen cybersecurity, detect the threat of cyber-attacks and manage a timely response. Established within the framework of the ITU-IMPACT initiative on strengthening cybersecurity, the project will provide Barbados with the necessary skills and technical capabilities to build a national point of contact to respond effectively to cybercrimes and cyber-attacks. Signing the agreement on behalf of the Government of Barbados, Mr Reginald Bourne said “This is another indication of the government’s commitment to ensuring a safe and secure environment for the people of Barbados, its investors and visitors using ICTs.”

  • Major Projects to be undertaken by the Telecoms Unit
    Major Projects to be undertaken by the Telecoms Unit


    Establishment of the NCIRT (National Computer Incident Response Team)


    Establishment of the IXP (Internet Exchange Point)


    Revision of the Telecommunications Act CAP282B


    Establishment a Tertiary Server for ccTLD ".bb" off-shore and revision of ".bb" Domain Name Policy


    Preparation for the introduction of IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)

Barbados signs Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) Agreement with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) at a meeting held at the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Chief Telecommunications Officer of Barbados, Mr Reginald Bourne (left) and the Director of ITU's Telecommunications Development Bureau, Mr Brahima Sanou (right), are congratulated by the Secretary General of the CTU, Ms Bernadette Lewis after the signing of the CIRT Agrreement.

Government Notices

Government Notice - 2019 Licences

The following types of licences are renewable in January 2019 as they will expire on December 31, 2018

Licensees have until January 30, 2019 to renew their licences.

From January 31, 2019 to March 31, 2019 these licences may be renewed but a 25% late payment fee will be payable.

 From April 01, 2019, unpaid licences may be revoked by the Minister responsible for Telecommunications:


1. Sellers and Dealers;
2. Citizen Band Operators;
3. Amateur Radio Operators;
4. Model Equipment Owners;
5. General Radio Communications;
6. Fishing Vessels and all other Ship Stations;
7. Coast Stations;

 Date: 16 November 2018


Link - Legislation Tab  at left - Computer Misuse Act, Fair Trading Act, Electronic Transaction Act, General Orders, Financial Management and Audit Rules 2011, etc.


HIPCAR Tab added at left - Model Text  for Cybercrime, e-Commerce, Freedom of Information, Licensing Regulations etc.

Update: 30 November 2012

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